Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rice Fields - Fixing on the Edges of the lot, on each lot.

It been a long time that i did working or managing as a farmer of our little Rice fields, or we call it Palayan, in Visayan dialect we call it kabasakan. it is just a few lots, which been out of our hands for little longer of time. And thanks God, it was back a few months ago. thanks to our Youngest brother For his labour and fruits, it was back to as now. yes, were been happy to have it back but sad also for our Father is already gone he could not benefit from this at present.

Fixing edges of a lot, on defferent lots of our few ricefields.

It's been a quite sometime that i myself worked in a mod, maybe when i was at my high school age. And now here i am... working and managing myself alone. it is really a hard work under a day light of the sun... its very hot indeed. our few pieces of land, has been manage by other people for quite sometimes but thanks to the LORD, its back to us now. but only some of the edges of our lots are broken due maybe of the heavy floods and also because it becomes thin for every transplanting when cleaning the edges it always cut more or less one centimeter of the thickness of the edge. that is why when you step on it it brakes. So really it is a big work at all. Now here it is, see how big is this what we are fixing.

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