Wednesday, March 2, 2011


What i am talking today is still about A Farmer Become a Stock Holder, which is until now never receive a payout for what he has done to improve his situation in life and of his family, A Farmer that wants his kids to finish there studies and have a good future in life, along with there kids. His grandchildren, grand grand Children, That they will not stock in the mod, That they will not wake up very early to let the Carabao to be feed and to go back and forth to the ricefields in order to have foods to put in the table, and now is already gone. A Farmer that is a full of hope that he can see his Children and grand children, full of life got there ambitions fulfilled but it was stock in the hole. A Farmer that got a big dream for his Children, but it was taken away by the Government 25 years ago. A Government who thought a Farmer to keep some money for the Future of there Children, To have a piggy Bank but it was also a Government who took away the Farmer's savings. The Government took it out from them.

My friend, Told me that She Made a follow up to the stock Exchange and Transfer office to find if they already have any feedback about the case. But the people there told her that until now there was still no improvement. The case of the coco livy fund and the Farmer's coconut share Holders is still in the Supreme Court. And this case was forwarded by the PCGG since 2003 in the Supreme Court and until now there was still no movement whatsoever..

I know my Friends, maybe you don't understand really about this Topic.

But Remember, The Farmers during the Marcos Regime, He ordered the coconut Farmers that when the copra production sold they have to take out a portion of the sale and exchange it into a card name cocofed/cocolivy and after a while some of it was exchange into a share of stock. (Please refer to my First Blog post),Then later on maybe because the people of the Republic Of the Philippines was tired of the Marcos Regime, The Martial Law, 20 years of tenure, with full of harassment, killings, where you cannot talk about Government, where the armed forces knock you off on that time if you will not obey them. And later on he invited Ninoy Aquino to go back to the Philippines and Ninoy Aquino accepts and went home then, when he's about to duck in the stairs from the Plane he was shot of on his back at the Airport, The people can not hold anymore there feelings, so People ask for an election, And they asked Mrs Aquino to be the President, Then the Election held, but was cheated, So People shout for a People Power, Then an EDSA REVOLUTION was borned, but peacefully. That is why Mrs Cory Aquino push up to be a President.

When she Pres. Cory Aquino, become a President She heads to full out and Sequestered all the Marcos'es wealth including The COCOLIVY FUND and The SHARES of the COCONUT FARMERS. And that was 25 years ago. 25 years old now 2011, which is 4 President was benefited from it. Pres. Cory Aquino, Pres. Fidel Ramos, Pres. Estrada and Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. When Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo become the President, it has been observed that during her administration anomalies happened and big one's, and when there is a case that a higher official involves its just gone or dessapair, if not its just become quite in the long run and no more and the killings, It has been 9years in power of the Government that got the highest anomalies Happened on her terms of office. The Government that has a lot of cases that never been solve.

And now It was a son of Pres.Cory Aquino, Pres. Noynoy Aquino voted from the people who also Shouts for a Change of Government, to prevail for truths, That is why people votes for him. I, We, my friends lets just hope and still hoping that this Government will end our problems, Our Parents Problems, Especially The COCO LIVY FUND and THE FARMER'S COCONUT SHARE OF STOCK.

Dear Mr. Pres. Aquino,

Please finish this Case The sequestration of the COCONut Livy Fund and the COCOnut Farmers Share Holders, Please return it to the Farmers. Life is been so hard for them, Let them live Harmoniously. Especially at present almost all of the Coconut Trees are gone if not they are already old, could not bear fruits anymore, the more life become disastrous for them. Let them taste a good food and better life for themselves, You know how hard are they living on today's life. Please Touch you Heart. Return it to them. Let them live if they are still alive, we both know that some of them are already gone and some are very old by now, please let them taste for what they have supposedly belong to them. Thank you very much.

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